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Tramp art frame with birds


This is a tramp art frame with three carved birds on the top crest and several styles of chip carving. Probably from the 1920's or 30's, it is painted a very dark, old, oxidized gold. It measures 16 3/4" high by 11 3/4" wide, with an opening 6 3/4" by 4 3/4". It is in very good condition with very slight surface wear on the lower right and a tiny chip on the beak of one bird. Two of the birds have seams, we believe they were pieced together from smaller pieces of wood when they were carved. Inventory Code: CKWW.   Tramp art frame with birds ... Another angle ... Closeup of top ... Closeup of lower ... Side view ... The other side ... From above ... From below ... Back view ... Closeup of back ... With a soda can for scale.

Ordered. (What this means.)

This sale was posted July 3, 2024. The sale prices are only good until sold or until we post a new sale.
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